ttff/19 Festival Basics—Look at Action!
Where to Get Tickets
Although the majority of the film screenings at ttff/19 carifesta edition are free, you will still need to have a ticket for each screening block. Tickets are available in the following ways:
- Online (through our partnership with Sun Tixx);
- At the festival desk at APA (only a limited number of tickets will be available at APA on a first-come, first-serve basis);
- At the festival desk at SAPA (only a limited number of tickets will be available at SAPA on a first-come, first-serve basis);
- At the festival desk at Shaw Park Cultural Complex (only a limited number of tickets will be available at SPCC on a first-come, first-serve basis);
- Tickets for the World Premiere screening of ‘Queen of Soca‘ on 21 August at NAPA will be sold online at and at Sun Tixx Express NLCB Lotto locations nationwide.
We will be selling new and vintage trinidad+tobago film festival merch at APA during the festival and online at once the festival has ended.
Find Us / Follow Us
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Twitter: @ttfilmfestival
- Youtube:
- Flickr:
- Instagram: @ttfilmfestival
#ttff19 #ttff19carifestaedition #lookataction #ttfilmfestival
Keate Street,
Port of Spain - NAPA
Frederick Street,
Port of Spain - SAPA
Todd Street,
San Fernando - Naparima Bowl
91 Paradise Pasture,
San Fernando - Shaw Park Cultural Complex
Shaw Park,
Tobago - Drink Lounge and Bistro
63 Rosalino Street,
- The University of the West Indies
Film Programme Building,
12 Carmody Road,
St Augustine - The Botanical Gardens
Queen’s Park North,
Port of Spain - San Fernando Hill
Circular Courts Road,
San Fernando - Couva Joylanders Panyard
Railway Road,
Couva - Grundlos Kollektiv
11 Cipriani Boulevard,
Port of Spain - trinidad+tobago film festival Office
Corner Jerningham Ave and Queen’s Park East,
Port of Spain
Tel: (+)1.868.323.3228